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Non-traditional employee benefits: 15 examples to reduce your turnover

Explore 15 innovative non-traditional employee benefits that can significantly reduce turnover rates. From wellness programs to flexible working hours, discover how to keep your team motivated, satisfied, and loyal.

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Before the evolution of the modern workplace, employee benefits were often seen through a traditional lens, primarily encompassing health insurance, retirement savings plans, and a set number of vacation days. 

These components formed the backbone of employee compensation packages, designed to provide security and basic welfare to workers. 

However, as the workforce's demographics, values, and expectations have shifted, so too has the concept of what benefits can and should be offered.

Non-traditional employee benefits emerge as a response to these changing needs, offering a broader spectrum of perks and programs that extend beyond the conventional scope. 

In this article, we delve into non-traditional employee benefits and explore 15 examples that have helped reduce turnover rates. 

Through detailed examples and insights, we will demonstrate the impact these benefits can have on fostering a positive and productive workplace culture.

Key takeaways

  • The evolution towards non-traditional employee benefits, including flexible working hours, wellness programs, and pet-friendly policies, reflects the changing demographics and preferences of the workforce, aiming to improve job satisfaction and work-life balance.
  • High employee turnover, driven by dissatisfaction in areas such as career development and work-life balance, highlights the necessity for companies to adopt personalized benefits that address individual needs and foster a supportive workplace.
  • Non-traditional benefits like Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs) and mental health support not only cater to diverse employee needs but also signal a company’s commitment to holistic well-being, enhancing loyalty and reducing turnover.
  • Integrating academic consulting and professional development opportunities into employee benefits packages emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and career progression, making companies more attractive to ambitious professionals seeking long-term growth.
  • Offering a mix of traditional and non-traditional benefits, carefully tailored to meet the unique needs of the workforce, is key to attracting and retaining talent, boosting employee satisfaction, and nurturing a positive, productive company culture.
  • Forma's innovative approach to managing employee benefits, with its customizable plans and emphasis on flexibility, stands out as a powerful tool for companies aiming to offer personalized perks that resonate with individual employee needs, thereby enhancing job satisfaction and loyalty.

What are non-traditional employee benefits?

Non-traditional employee benefits, often perks or fringe benefits, extend beyond conventional health insurance, retirement savings plans, and paid leave. 

These benefits encompass various services, programs, and policies designed to support employees' diverse needs and preferences, ultimately contributing to their well-being, job satisfaction, and work-life balance.

At their core, non-traditional benefits are about recognizing and addressing the holistic needs of employees. They acknowledge that employees are not just workers but individuals with varied interests, responsibilities, and challenges. 

These benefits are characterized by their ability to be customized and adapted to the changing demographics and expectations of the workforce. 

Examples of non-traditional benefits include, but are not limited to, 

  • Flexible working hours
  • Remote work options
  • Wellness programs 
  • Professional development courses, 
  • financial wellness support 
  • pet-friendly office policies. 

The essence of these benefits is in their capacity to make employees feel valued and understood, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty to the company. Inevitably, this doesn’t just boost company morale, it also helps improve employee turnover, which is an important metric to measure employee satisfaction in an organization.

What is employee turnover?

Employee turnover is when employees leave a company and are replaced by new hires over a specific period, typically expressed as an annual percentage. 

This phenomenon is a critical metric for organizations, as it impacts not only a business' operational aspects but also its culture, morale, and financial health. 

Turnover can be voluntary, where employees leave for better job opportunities, higher pay, improved work-life balance, or dissatisfaction with the current workplace. 

Alternatively, it can be involuntary, resulting from layoffs, terminations, or retirements.

According to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total separation rate, which includes quits, layoffs and discharges, and other separations, was 3.6 percent in 2023. 

This rate varies significantly across industries, with sectors like hospitality, retail, and healthcare often experiencing higher turnover rates due to the nature of the work and employment practices in these fields.

Moreover, a study conducted by the Work Institute in 2021 highlighted that the top reasons for employees voluntarily leaving their jobs included;

  • Career development opportunities (22.3%)
  • Health and family (10.7%)
  • Work-life balance (10.5%) 
  • Total rewards, including compensation and benefits (9.5%). 

These findings underscore the importance of addressing the underlying factors contributing to employee turnover.

This is also where non-traditional employee benefits come in.

Why choose non-traditional employee benefits?

These benefits meet modern workplace expectations head-on, fostering a company culture prioritizing employee satisfaction and well-being. 

By stepping beyond traditional benefits, companies signal their commitment to supporting their employees' diverse needs, enhancing their appeal as progressive and empathetic employers.

Let’s break this down a little bit.

The modern workplace

The modern workplace is characterized by a workforce that values flexibility, diversity, and personal growth.

Employees today seek more than just a paycheck; they look for employment that supports their lifestyle, aligns with their values, and offers personal and professional development opportunities. 

Non-traditional benefits like flexibility, wellness, and personal fulfillment directly address these evolving expectations. 

They acknowledge the individuality of each employee, offering benefits that resonate on a personal level and contribute to a more satisfying work experience.

Enhancing flexibility

One of the most appreciated aspects of non-traditional benefits is their flexibility, enabling employees to achieve a better work-life balance.

Flexible working arrangements, such as remote work options and flexible hours, allow employees to tailor their work schedules to fit their personal lives, reducing stress and increasing job satisfaction. 

A prime example of enhancing workplace flexibility is Forma's flexible benefit plans. Forma allows companies to offer customizable benefits packages tailored to each employee's unique needs, from wellness programs to educational support. 

This level of personalization ensures that employees receive genuinely beneficial benefits, further enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty to the company.

Interested in exploring how flexible benefit plans can transform your workplace?<span class="text-style-link text-color-blue" fs-mirrorclick-element="trigger" role="button"> Schedule a consultation</span> with one of our experts.

Reducing turnover

Offering unique and personalized benefits is a powerful strategy for retaining talent. 

When employees feel valued and supported in their professional and personal lives, their job satisfaction and loyalty to the company increase significantly. 

Non-traditional benefits address the varied and changing needs of the workforce, thereby playing a crucial role in creating a positive and engaging work environment. 

This, in turn, reduces turnover rates, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their well-being and satisfaction.

Cultivating a positive company culture

Non-traditional benefits are crucial in cultivating a positive company culture that values and supports its employees.

By going beyond the basics of health insurance and retirement plans, organizations demonstrate a commitment to the holistic well-being of their workforce.

This commitment fosters a sense of belonging and community within the company, encouraging employees to be more engaged and invested in their work and the organization's success.

Boosting employee engagement and productivity

The introduction of non-traditional benefits can significantly boost employee engagement and productivity. 

Employees who feel that their employer understands and values their personal and professional needs are more likely to feel motivated and committed to their work. 

For instance, access to mental health resources and stress management programs can help employees manage work-related pressures more effectively, leading to improved mental health and job performance. 

Similarly, opportunities for professional development and career advancement signal to employees that the company is invested in their growth, encouraging them to contribute their best work.

Encouraging innovation and creativity

Non-traditional benefits can also encourage innovation and creativity within the workforce. By providing a supportive and flexible work environment, companies can unlock their employees' full potential. 

For example, offering sabbaticals or time off for personal projects can inspire employees to explore new ideas and bring fresh perspectives to their work.

Similarly, fostering a culture that values continuous learning and development can encourage employees to think outside the box and pursue innovative solutions. 

As the workplace continues to evolve, so will the expectations of employees. 

Companies that recognize and adapt to these changes by offering flexible, personalized, and meaningful benefits will be well-positioned to thrive in the modern business landscape.

Non-traditional vs. traditional employee benefits

While traditional benefits focus on employees' essential needs, non-traditional benefits offer a broader spectrum of support, catering to the diverse and evolving preferences of the modern workforce.

Traditional employee benefits typically include:

  • Health insurance
  • Retirement savings plans (e.g., 401(k))
  • Paid time off (PTO), including vacation, sick leave, and public holidays
  • Life and disability insurance

These benefits are fundamental to an employee's compensation package, addressing essential health, financial security, and time-off needs. They are often expected to be standard across many industries.

On the other hand, non-traditional employee benefits encompass a wider range of perks and services designed to enhance the employee's work-life balance, personal development, and overall well-being. Examples include:

  • Flexible working hours and remote work options
  • Wellness programs (mental health support, fitness memberships)
  • Professional development opportunities (courses, workshops)
  • Unique office amenities (on-site childcare, pet-friendly policies)

Other differences include:

The choice between traditional and non-traditional benefits doesn't have to be binary; the most effective benefits strategy incorporates elements of both, tailored to the organization's and its employees' unique needs and priorities.

15 examples of non-traditional employee benefits

Below are 15 non-traditional benefits that exemplify the shift towards more personalized and flexible benefits.

1. Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs)

Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs) provide a broad spectrum of eligible expenses, catering to various aspects of an individual's lifestyle. 

Employees can use these funds for health and wellness programs, personal development courses, fitness memberships, childcare, and travel.

The flexibility available through LSAs makes them an exceptionally appealing benefit.

Benefits of LSAs

  • Personalization: LSAs cater to each employee's unique needs and preferences, offering a personalized benefits experience that enhances satisfaction and engagement.
  • Well-being focuses: By covering expenses related to health, fitness, and mental wellness, LSAs contribute to the overall well-being of employees, leading to a healthier and more productive workforce.
  • Professional growth: Employees can use LSA funds for professional development, encouraging continuous learning and career advancement.
  • Enhanced work-life balance: With the flexibility to spend on what matters most, employees can better balance their professional and personal lives.

Platforms like Forma's approach to LSAs illustrate the company's commitment to innovative and flexible benefits solutions.

To explore how Lifestyle Spending Accounts can transform your company's benefits package. <span class="text-style-link text-color-blue" fs-mirrorclick-element="trigger" role="button"> Schedule a consultation</span> with one of our experts and discover how LSAs can enhance your employee benefits strategy and contribute to a positive work environment.

For a detailed list of what can be covered under LSAs, check out our blog on eligible expenses for Lifestyle Spending Accounts.

2. Mental health perks

Recognizing the impact of mental well-being on overall productivity and employee satisfaction, forward-thinking companies are integrating mental health perks into their benefits packages. 

These perks provide employees with the resources and support they need to maintain their mental health, fostering a workplace culture that values and promotes psychological well-being.

Mental health perks can take various forms, including access to counseling services, mental health days, workshops on stress management, and subscriptions to meditation and mindfulness apps. 

Through mental health perks, employers tend to acknowledge the complex challenges their employees face and provide them with tools to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. 

The availability of these resources demonstrates an employer's commitment to creating a supportive and understanding work environment.

Benefits of mental health perks

  • Improved productivity: Employees with access to mental health resources are better equipped to manage stress and maintain focus, leading to higher productivity levels.
  • Increased employee engagement: Employees who feel supported in all aspects of their well-being, including mental health, are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.
  • Reduced absenteeism: Effective mental health support can decrease absenteeism, as employees have the resources to cope with stress and mental health challenges.
  • Positive workplace culture: A workplace prioritizing mental health will likely foster a positive culture where employees feel valued and supported. This can enhance team cohesion and create a more inclusive environment.

Incorporating mental health perks into the benefits package is a sensible approach to addressing employees' holistic needs. It underscores an organization's commitment to well-being and contributes to a healthier, more productive workplace. 

3. Academic consulting

Academic consulting is a non-traditional employee benefit that provides employees with access to expert advice and resources for educational planning and advancement.

This benefit is particularly appealing in today's knowledge-driven economy, where continuous learning and skill development are key to personal and professional growth. 

Examples of academic consulting benefits include:

  • Personalized education planning: Employees receive one-on-one guidance to explore educational opportunities aligning with their career goals and interests.
  • Financial aid and scholarship assistance: Consultants provide insights into available financial support options to help employees manage the costs of further education.
  • Professional development roadmaps: Tailored plans that outline specific courses, workshops, and certifications that would benefit the employee's career trajectory.
  • Access to online learning platforms: Partnerships with online education providers offer employees a wide range of courses and training programs to enhance their skills and knowledge.

By offering academic consulting as a benefit, companies demonstrate a commitment to their employees' long-term development and success. 

This supports the individual's career progression and contributes to a more skilled and adaptable workforce.

4. Wellness programs

Wellness programs in the workplace are comprehensive health initiatives designed to support employees in maintaining and improving their physical and mental health. 

These programs often encompass various activities and resources to encourage healthy lifestyles, prevent illness, and manage chronic conditions. 

The goal is to create a healthier, more vibrant workforce, leading to increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs, and enhanced employee satisfaction and retention.

Examples of wellness program

  • On-site fitness classes will make engaging employees in physical activity convenient.
  • Health risk assessments to identify potential health issues early and guide employees toward appropriate preventive measures.
  • Mental health days allow employees to take time off specifically for mental health rejuvenation.
  • Nutritional counseling sessions to provide employees with personalized advice on healthy eating habits.

Implementing a comprehensive wellness program demonstrates an organization's commitment to its employees' health and well-being. 

Such programs support employees in leading healthier lives and foster a workplace wellness culture, contributing to a positive and supportive environment.

For a deeper dive into the structure and benefits of employee wellness programs, Forma offers a comprehensive guide that outlines how these initiatives can be tailored to meet the diverse needs of your workforce.

Ready to get started? <span class="text-style-link text-color-blue" fs-mirrorclick-element="trigger" role="button">scheduling a consultation</span> with one of our expert.

6. Financial planning services

Financial planning services offer a structured approach to helping employees manage their finances more effectively and plan for their future. This benefit addresses a critical aspect of well-being: financial health. 

The value of financial planning assistance lies in its ability to provide employees with personalized advice tailored to their unique financial situations. 

Whether budgeting, debt management, investment strategies, retirement planning, or saving for major life events, financial planning services cover a broad spectrum of needs. 

This comprehensive support helps employees build a solid financial foundation, improving their overall sense of security and well-being.

Benefits of offering financial planning

  • Reduced financial stress: With expert guidance, employees can navigate financial challenges more confidently, reducing stress and its negative impact on job performance.
  • Increased financial literacy: Employees gain valuable knowledge about financial management principles, enabling them to make smarter financial decisions.
  • Enhanced employee loyalty: Financial planning services demonstrate a company's investment in its employees' futures, fostering loyalty and appreciation.
  • Improved long-term financial outcomes: Access to financial planning can lead to better financial outcomes for employees, including higher savings rates and more effective retirement planning.

Examples of financial planning services

  • One-on-one financial consultations: Personalized sessions with financial advisors to discuss financial goals and challenges.
  • Retirement planning workshops: These are group sessions focused on preparing for retirement, including understanding company retirement plans and other savings options.
  • Online financial management tools: Access digital platforms offering budgeting tools, financial calculators, and educational resources.
  • Debt management programs: Assistance with developing strategies to manage and reduce debt, including negotiating lower interest rates or consolidating loans.

9. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are a versatile employee benefit allowing individuals to set aside pre-tax dollars for out-of-pocket healthcare and dependent care expenses. 

This financial tool is designed to provide employees with a way to save money on everyday costs, enhancing their ability to manage and allocate their finances effectively. 

FSAs are particularly beneficial because they reduce an employee's taxable income, leading to potential tax savings while covering essential expenses.

FSAs can cover a wide range of expenses, providing significant financial relief in areas such as:

  • Healthcare expenses: Including deductibles, copayments, prescription medications, and over-the-counter items with a doctor's prescription.
  • Dental and vision care: Covering costs related to dental treatments, eye exams, prescription glasses, and contact lenses.
  • Dependent Care: Expenses related to childcare or eldercare necessary for the employee and their spouse to work, look for work, or attend school full-time.

Benefits of FSAs

  • Tax savings: Contributions are made pre-tax, reducing taxable income and increasing take-home pay.
  • Budget management: Helps employees budget for medical and dependent care expenses by allocating funds in advance.
  • Flexible options: Offers flexibility in managing out-of-pocket healthcare and dependent care costs.
  • Enhanced employee well-being: By alleviating financial stress related to healthcare and dependent care expenses, FSAs contribute to overall employee well-being.

Ready to integrate FSA into your benefits package? <span class="text-style-link text-color-blue" fs-mirrorclick-element="trigger" role="button">scheduling a consultation</span> with one of our experts.

10. Fitness memberships

Offering fitness memberships as part of an employee benefits package is a proactive approach to encouraging a healthy lifestyle among the workforce. 

This benefit facilitates physical well-being and plays a significant role in boosting employee morale and productivity. 

Fitness memberships make it easier for employees to commit to regular exercise, which is essential for maintaining physical health and managing stress. 

Regular physical activity has been shown to improve mood, enhance energy levels, and increase overall well-being. 

The benefits of providing fitness memberships extend beyond physical health, significantly impacting employee morale and job satisfaction. 

Exercise is a powerful stress reliever, and employees who engage in regular physical activity are likely to experience lower levels of work-related stress. 

Additionally, fitness programs can foster a sense of camaraderie among employees as they participate in group classes or challenges, enhancing team cohesion and creating a more positive work environment.

Examples of fitness membership benefits

  • Gym memberships: Covering the cost of membership at local gyms or fitness centers, giving employees access to a wide range of exercise equipment and classes.
  • Online fitness platforms: Providing subscriptions to online fitness services that offer a variety of workout classes, allowing employees to exercise at home or on the go.
  • Wellness challenges: Organizing company-wide fitness challenges to encourage participation and foster a sense of community and friendly competition.

11. Nutrition consultations

Nutrition consultations offer personalized advice tailored to employees' health goals, dietary preferences, and existing health conditions. 

This individualized approach ensures that employees receive practical and actionable guidance to incorporate healthy eating into their daily lives. 

Whether the goal is weight management, managing a health condition, or simply improving overall dietary habits, nutrition consultations can provide the support and accountability employees need to achieve their objectives.

Benefits of offering nutrition consultations

  • Improved health and well-being: Access to nutrition consultations can lead to better health outcomes for employees, including increased energy levels, improved immune function, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
  • Increased productivity: Employees who eat well are more likely to have higher energy levels and better concentration, contributing to increased productivity at work.
  • Enhanced employee satisfaction: Offering nutrition consultations demonstrates a company's investment in its employees' health and well-being, leading to higher job satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Reduced healthcare costs: Healthy eating habits can mitigate the risk of developing chronic diseases, potentially reducing healthcare costs for employees and employers.

12. Continuing education opportunities

Investing in employee continuing education opportunities is a strategic approach that yields long-term benefits for both the individual and the organization. 

This commitment to professional development enhances the workforce's skill set and signals to employees that the company values their growth and career progression. 

Long-term benefits of investing in employees' education

  • Enhanced skill set: Continuing education opportunities enable employees to acquire new skills and knowledge, which can be directly applied to their current roles, increasing efficiency and productivity.
  • Increased employee engagement: Employees given opportunities to grow and develop are more likely to feel engaged and motivated, contributing to a positive work environment.
  • Attracting and retaining talent: Organizations that invest in employee development are more attractive to prospective employees and are more likely to retain their current workforce, reducing turnover and the associated costs.
  • Driving innovation: A well-educated and skilled workforce is better equipped to innovate and adapt to new challenges, keeping the company at the forefront of industry developments.
  • Building leadership pipeline: Continuing education helps prepare employees for leadership roles, ensuring the company has a strong pipeline of future leaders.

Here are some ways to implement continuing education benefits.

  • Tuition reimbursement programs: Offer financial assistance for employees pursuing degrees or certifications relevant to their jobs or the industry.
  • Online courses and workshops: Provide access to online learning platforms that offer a wide range of courses and training opportunities.
  • Professional certification support: Cover the costs of obtaining professional certifications, including exam fees and study materials.
  • Leadership development programs: Create pathways for high-potential employees to develop leadership skills through targeted training and mentorship.

This investment in employee growth demonstrates a forward-thinking mindset, fostering loyalty and driving long-term organizational growth.

13. Cell phone stipend

A cell phone stipend is a financial allowance provided to employees to cover the cost of their mobile phone usage related to work.

It is designed to offset the expenses of using a personal mobile device for work. This can include monthly service plans, data usage, and even the cost of the phone itself. 

By providing a stipend, companies ensure that employees are not burdened by the additional costs of staying connected for work.

Benefits of offering a cell phone stipend

  • Enhanced connectivity: Ensures employees have the necessary tools to stay connected, facilitating better communication and collaboration.
  • Increased flexibility: Supports remote and flexible working arrangements by covering essential communication tools.
  • Employee satisfaction: Demonstrates a company's commitment to supporting its employees' work-related expenses, leading to higher job satisfaction.
  • Simplified expense management: Compared to reimbursement models, a stipend model can simplify the administrative process of managing work-related phone expenses.

When implementing a cell phone stipend, companies should consider:

  • Determining the stipend amount: Establishing a fair and adequate stipend amount that reflects the average cost of cell phone usage for work purposes.
  • Setting clear guidelines: Outlining the conditions under which the stipend is provided, including eligibility criteria and usage expectations.
  • Reviewing and adjusting policies: Regularly reviewing the stipend policy to ensure it remains relevant and competitive, adjusting as necessary based on changes in mobile technology and service plans.

14. Remote work opportunities

Remote work opportunities have transformed the traditional office environment, offering employees the flexibility to work from locations outside the conventional corporate setting. 

This benefit reflects an understanding of today's workforce's diverse needs and preferences, emphasizing work-life balance and the importance of accommodating different working styles.

Benefits of remote work opportunities

  • Increased productivity: Many employees find they are more productive when working in their chosen environment, free from the distractions of a busy office.
  • Cost savings: Working remotely can significantly save employees on commuting, wardrobe, and other work-related expenses.
  • Environmental impact: Reduced commuting saves time and contributes to lower carbon emissions, aligning with sustainability goals

Here’s how you can implement remote work opportunities for your employees.

  • Clear communication channels: Ensure robust systems are in place for communication and collaboration, essential for remote work success.
  • Technology support: Providing employees with the necessary technology and tools to work effectively from remote locations.
  • Flexible scheduling: Allowing employees to work during hours that best suit their productivity peaks and personal commitments.

15. Sabbatical leave

Sabbatical leave is an extended break from work offered as a benefit to employees to pursue personal or professional development opportunities, travel, or recharge. 

This benefit is based on the understanding that prolonged work periods without significant breaks can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

Benefits of sabbatical leaves

  • Professional growth: Employees can use the time to gain new skills, complete educational programs, or engage in research projects.
  • Increased creativity: Time away from the daily grind can inspire new ideas and perspectives, benefiting the employee and the organization upon their return.
  • Improved well-being: Sabbaticals offer employees a chance to rest and rejuvenate, which can lead to improved mental and physical health.
  • Enhanced loyalty: Offering sabbatical leave demonstrates a company's investment in its employees' happiness and well-being, fostering a sense of loyalty and appreciation.

Ways of implementing sabbatical leave include:

  • Defining eligibility criteria: Establishing clear guidelines on who qualifies for sabbatical leave and under what conditions.
  • Structured planning: Encouraging employees to plan their sabbatical in a way that aligns with their personal and professional goals.
  • Reintegration support: Ensuring a smooth transition back to work for employees returning from sabbaticals, helping them to reintegrate into their roles effectively.

How to choose the best non-traditional employee benefits for your company

Selecting the right non-traditional employee benefits requires a thoughtful approach that aligns with your company's values, culture, and the specific needs of your workforce. 

The goal is to offer benefits that attract and retain talent and enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. 

Here are the criteria and considerations for choosing benefits that fit your organization:

1. Assess employee needs and preferences

Conduct surveys or focus groups to understand what benefits your employees value most. This direct feedback can guide your selection process.

2. Align with company values and culture

Choose benefits that reflect your company's core values and culture. For example, consider eco-friendly transportation incentives if sustainability is a key value.

3. Consider the demographics of your workforce

The composition of your workforce (e.g., age, family status, lifestyle) can significantly influence which benefits will be most appreciated and utilized.

4. Evaluate the cost vs. benefit

Analyze the potential return on investment for each benefit. Consider not only the direct costs but also the potential savings regarding reduced turnover and improved productivity.

5. Stay informed about trends

Keep abreast of emerging trends in employee benefits to ensure your offerings remain competitive and relevant.

6. Review legal and tax implications

Understand each benefit's legal and tax considerations to avoid unintended consequences.

6. Implement a pilot program

Test new benefits on a small scale before a full rollout. This allows you to gauge employee interest and make adjustments as needed.

7. Communicate clearly

Ensure employees are well informed about the benefits and how to utilize them. Clear communication can significantly impact the perceived value of benefits.

8. Solicit feedback and adjust

Regularly seek employee feedback on existing benefits and be open to making adjustments. This demonstrates a commitment to meeting their evolving needs.

The table below summarizes some non-traditional benefits, their focus areas, and the benefits they offer to both employees and employers to help you make an informed decision.

Choosing the right non-traditional benefits is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your company's culture, employee satisfaction, and overall success. 

Looking to enhance your benefits package with innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of your workforce?<span class="text-style-link text-color-blue" fs-mirrorclick-element="trigger" role="button">Schedule a consultation</span> with one of our experts.

Final thoughts

As we look to the future, the importance of non-traditional benefits will continue to grow. The workforce is changing, and there are expectations of what a benefits package should include. 

Companies proactively recognizing and adapting to these changes will be better positioned to thrive.

Implementing non-traditional benefits is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your company's ability to attract and retain the best talent.

Ready to explore how these benefits can transform your workplace and support your team? <span class="text-style-link text-color-blue" fs-mirrorclick-element="trigger" role="button">Schedule a consultation</span> with one of our experts.

Together, we can design a benefits package that meets the needs of your workforce and aligns with your company's long-term goals and values. 

Embrace the future of work by investing in the well-being of your employees through non-traditional benefits.

Non-traditional Employee Benefits: Frequently Asked Questions

Are non-traditional benefits good for employee retention?

Yes, non-traditional benefits have been shown to significantly positively impact employee retention. A growing body of evidence suggests that when companies invest in their employees' well-being and personal interests through such benefits, they see a marked improvement in retention rates. 

What Are the best non-traditional employee benefits?

Non-traditional employee benefits highly prized today include flexible work options for better work-life balance, wellness programs for mental and physical health, professional development for continuous learning, and family planning support to assist with fertility, adoption, and extended parental leave. These benefits directly enhance employees' daily lives and long-term aspirations, significantly boosting job satisfaction and loyalty, reflecting modern workforce preferences and trends.

What are family-friendly benefits?

Family-friendly benefits aim to support employees with families, enhancing work-life balance, reducing stress, and boosting job satisfaction for parents and caregivers. These benefits include childcare solutions like on-site services or subsidies, flexible work arrangements to fit family schedules, extended parental leave beyond legal requirements for new parents, and comprehensive family health benefits covering insurance and wellness programs. By addressing the unique challenges faced by working parents, these initiatives foster a more supportive and inclusive work environment.