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A look back on 2023: Forma Store updates

What we launched in the Forma Store throughout 2023.

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For this special edition of our monthly series, the Forma Store team dove into our marketplace data to look back at the past year.

In this article, we’ll uncover offerings introduced to the Forma Store throughout 2023.

Join us as we highlight what products and services employees around the globe can now experience thanks to newfound partnerships.

2023 by the numbers

95 new vendors, 844 new products, and $1.6M in savings

International expansion

The Forma Store expanded into 102 countries in 2023, adding a variety of international vendors and products.

A couple of highlights:

  • Working from home and working out from home became easier. For the first time, new home office furnishings and gym equipment were made available to Forma members in the UK, EU, Singapore, Australia, and Canada.
  • Food feeds the soul, and we extended food services to be accessible beyond the US to 14 other countries.
  • Physical wellness forms the foundation of personal wellness. In 2023, we made it possible for members across the globe to locate local gyms and fitness options.
A world map of Forma's partners.

Exciting additions from the year

We established partnerships with several renowned brands to bring additional offerings to members. Here are some of our most popular Forma Store vendors who joined us in 2023.

Airbnb, Blue Apron, MasterClass, and HermanMiller were all added to the Forma Store in 2023.

Your voice matters

The Forma Store team appreciates feedback and suggestions from all of our customers, members, and potential partners. We introduced numerous new categories in 2023 in response to providing well-rounded support to workers.

If you’d like to recommend or become a vendor, fill out the form here

Top categories within the Forma Store

With LSAs and customizable spending accounts, employees gained unparalleled flexibility with their employee benefits. But how do they spend their funds? Below are the top 3 categories of spend for users of the Forma Store.

The year ahead with the Forma Store

Our marketplace has grown to become a one-stop solution with a wide array of products and services for workers everywhere. We look forward to striking more partnerships and introducing more offerings to the Forma Store in 2024 and beyond.

To learn more about how the products and services within the Forma Store, <span class="text-style-link text-color-blue" fs-mirrorclick-element="trigger" role="button">get in touch</span> with one of our experts today.