Expert insight into financial strategy for flexible benefits | 1:1 with Figma's Global Benefits Leader
Hear four strategies to secure funds and optimize spend with Figma's Global Benefits Leader, Lindsey Sosin, and Forma's CEO, Jason Fan.
In this piece
How to secure funding for Lifestyle Spending Account (LSAs) in a turbulent market
In today’s economy, every dollar spent by businesses is under scrutiny. With benefits accounting for 30% of the compensation budget, it’s crucial to ensure every dollar counts. HR leaders must collaborate closely with finance to secure investments in benefit programs and remain cost neutral. Knowing how to make this process more efficient and beneficial for all parties is essential.
Hear from Jason Fan (CEO at Forma) and Lindsey Sosin (Global Benefits Leader at Figma) as they share their insights on financial strategy and flexible benefits, specifically Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs).
You'll learn:
- Pro tips to demonstrate the value of flexible benefits
- Strategies to optimize investing LSAs
- Tactics to prove and deliver ROI
If you want a hand determining how to design a best-in-class LSA program, Forma's experts are here to help. For more information or support, <span class="text-style-link text-color-blue" fs-mirrorclick-element="trigger" role="button">schedule a consultation</span> today.