
Can you use a HSA for pets?

Wondering if you can use HSA for pets? Discover the 2025 IRS guidelines on using Health Savings Accounts for your dog or cat's medical expenses, plus alternative payment options for pet healthcare costs

Many pet owners wonder, "Can HSA be used for pets?" or "Can I use my HSA for my dog or cat?" As healthcare costs rise for both humans and animals, it's natural to explore all possible financial resources. This straightforward guide examines whether you can use your Health Savings Account (HSA) for pet-related medical expenses based on the latest 2025 IRS regulations.

Can HSA be used for pets? Understanding the basic rules

The simple answer: Generally, no. According to current IRS guidelines, regular pet healthcare expenses don't qualify as eligible medical expenses for HSA funds. This means you can't use your HSA to pay for your dog's annual check-up, your cat's vaccinations, or other routine veterinary care for household pets.

The IRS defines qualified medical expenses under Section 213(d) of the Internal Revenue Code, which primarily focuses on human healthcare expenses. Despite how much we consider our pets as family members, the IRS makes a clear distinction when it comes to HSA eligibility.

Can I use my HSA for my dog or cat in any situation?

While you generally can't use HSA funds for your dog or cat, there is one important exception: service animals.

If you have a medically necessary service animal that assists with a documented disability or medical condition, certain expenses related to that animal may qualify for HSA reimbursement.

For those asking "Can I use my HSA for my dog if it's a service animal?" — here's what might qualify:

  • Costs associated with acquiring and training a service animal
  • Veterinary care necessary for maintaining the service animal's health
  • Food, grooming, and other maintenance expenses required for the animal's effectiveness

It's important to understand that this exception applies only to legitimate service animals (such as guide dogs for visual impairment), not emotional support animals or regular pets. Documentation verifying the animal's service status and medical necessity is typically required by the IRS.

What happens if I use my HSA for my pet's expenses anyway?

If you're wondering "Can you use HSA for pets if you're willing to pay penalties?" — here's what you need to know:

Using HSA funds for non-qualified expenses, including regular pet care for your dog or cat, results in:

  1. The withdrawn amount being added to your taxable income
  2. An additional 20% penalty tax (for account holders under 65)
  3. The requirement to report these non-qualified distributions on your tax return

These penalties significantly reduce any potential benefit from using HSA funds for your pet's care, making it financially unwise for most pet owners.

Alternative ways to pay for your dog or cat's healthcare

Since the answer to "Can HSA be used for pets?" is generally no, consider these alternatives:

  1. Pet insurance: Dedicated policies that can cover accidents, illnesses, and sometimes preventive care for your dog or cat
  2. Veterinary discount plans: Membership programs offering reduced rates on veterinary services
  3. Pet-specific savings account: Setting aside regular contributions in a dedicated account for your pet's healthcare
  4. Veterinary payment plans: Many veterinarians offer installment payment options for expensive procedures
  5. Pet-focused credit options: Financial products specifically designed for veterinary expenses

FAQ: Common questions about using HSA for pets

Can I use my HSA for my cat's surgery?

No, unless your cat is a certified service animal, HSA funds can't be used for your cat's surgery.

Can you use HSA for pets' prescription medications?

HSA funds can't be used for regular pets' prescription medications, only for service animals.

Can HSA be used for pets that provide emotional support?

No, emotional support animals don't qualify for HSA-eligible expenses unless they are also trained service animals.

Can I use my HSA for my dog's annual check-up?

Regular veterinary check-ups for your dog are not HSA-eligible expenses, even if they are preventive in nature.

Finding reliable information about HSA eligibility

For the most up-to-date and accurate information about whether HSA can be used for pets:

What do you do if you're unsure what's included in a HSA?

If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult your HSA provider or a tax professional to confirm expense eligibility. 

Get started with Forma today

Looking to offer an HSA as part of your employee benefits package? At Forma, we provide Pre-tax Accounts - including HSAs - to companies worldwide. 

If you want your business to profit from the employee and employer benefits of HSAs, fill out the form below, and one of our experts will be in touch.